How to create a new number 
1 Select the "Numbers" tab.
2 In the "Number" menu, select the option "New...".
3 Select the device type in the list field.
4 Select the parameter version in the list field "Parameter version".
5 Select the template to be used for this number in the "Template" list field. If you do not want to use a template, select "None".
6 Select one of the following options:
*"Single" - to create a single number, select the option "Single" and enter a number.
*"Range" - to create a number range, select the option "Range" and enter the start number and the end number.
Confirm the entries with "OK".
The maximum number range that can be added is currently 100 numbers.
How to store a number in the database 
The number of a mobile device can be stored in the database.
1 In the "Numbers" tab, select the device, which number you want to save.
2 In the "Number" menu, select the option "Save".
The number is stored in the database.
How to change a number description 
1 Select the option "Number" in the "Numbers" tab.
2 Select "Enter description".
3 Enter the desired descripton "e.g. user of this number).
4 Click on “OK”.
How to edit device parameters 
The "Edit parameters" dialog lists all parameters of a device/ number. The parameters are displayed in a tree structure.
1 Select the option "Number" in the "Numbers" tab.
2 Select "Edit".
3 Select the parameters to be edited on the left side.
4 Make your changes in the "Value" column.
After a change, the color of the parameter in the tree structure changes to blue.
5 Click on "OK" to save the changes.
6 By clicking on "Cancel" any changes are rejected.
When the device is connected to the Portable Device Manager, any saved changes are automatically sent to the device.
How to run a template to configure further devices 
If a template has been created for a device, it can be used to configure further devices.
1 Select the device(s) in the "Numbers" tab.
2 In the "Number" menu, select the option "Run template...".
The "Run template" dialog appears.
3 Select the template you want to use.
4 Click on “OK”.
How to associate a number with a device 
Before the synchronization of parameters between the Portable Device Manager and devices are possible, a number has to be associated with the device. It is possible to enter several Device IDs in advance and subsequently assign them to a number.
1 Select the "Numbers" tab.
2 In the "Number" menu, select the option "Associate with device...".
3 Select the device you want to associate the number with and click on "OK".
If the selected device is online, it will immediately be updated with the number. Otherwise, it will be updated the next time the device is online.
How to delete a number from the database 
1 Select the "Numbers" tab.
2 Select the number you want to delete.
3 In the "Number" menu, select the option "Delete".
The "Delete Number" dialog opens.
4 Click on "Yes".
How to rename a number 
1 Select the "Numbers" tab.
2 Select the number you want to rename.
3 In the "Number" menu, select the option "Rename...".
The "Rename number" dialog opens.
4 Enter a new prefix (optional) and a new number.
5 Click on “OK”.
If a number is highlighted in red, it cannot be renamed.
How to copy a number 
1 Select the "Numbers" tab.
2 Select the number you want to copy.
3 In the "Number" menu, select the option "Copy...".
The "Copy number" dialog opens.
4 Enter a new prefix (optional) and a new number.
5 Click on “OK”.
How to import contacts from a file 
You can import files containing your contacts into the Portable Device Manager, in order to subsequently synchronize them with the device. This feature also enables the transfer of contacts from older handsets.
When importing a local phonebook, the entries of the current handset phonebook are overwritten by the new entries.
1 Select the "Numbers" tab.
2 Select a number.
3 In the “Number" menu, choose the option “Import contact” | “From File”.
4 Select a file with your contacts.
5 Click on "Open".
The contacts from the imported files are synchronized with the selected handset.
How to import contacts via numbers 
The feature enables the transfer of contacts from one handset to another via numbers, which are already saved in the Portable Device Manager.
When importing a local phonebook, the entries of the current handset phonebook are overwritten by the new entries.
1 Select the "Numbers" tab.
2 Select a number.
3 In the "Number" menu, select the option "Import contacts"|"From number".
4 Select a number.
5 Click on “OK”.
The contacts are imported into the handset.
How to export contacts into a file 
Contacts can be exported from a handset into a CSV file, in order to later import them into another handset with the "Import contacts from a file" feature.
1 Select the "Numbers" tab.
2 Select the handset, whose contacts you want to export.
3 In the "Number" menu, select the option "Export contacts".
4 Enter a descriptive file name and click on "Save".
Last modified date: 08/01/2019