'General | NTP' page
To obtain the correct time, enter the IP address of an NTP time server here. The base station compares the internal time at startup, and at the specified interval, with that of the time server.
In the field "TimeServer", enter the IP address of your Windows server or a public time server (e.g. ptbtime1.ptb.de) and the time interval "Interval" for synchronizing the time.
In "Timezone", choose the relevant time zone.
If the required time zone does not appear in the selection list, enter it in the field "String". Observe the following syntax:
<String = StdOffset [Dst[Offset], Date/Time, Date/Time]>
Time zone (e.g. EST for Eastern Standard Time)
Time difference between time zone and UTC (Universal Time Coordinator)
Daylight saving time for the time zone (e.g. EDT for Eastern Daylight Time)
*Second Offset
Time difference between daylight saving time and UTC
*Date/Time, Date/Time
Beginning and end of the daylight saving time
Date-Format: Mm.n.d (d day of the nth week in the month m)
Time format: hh:mm:ss in 24-hour Format
North Carolina is in the Eastern time zone. Eastern Standard Time (EST) is five hours behind UTC (StdOffset = EST-5), Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) is four hours behind UTC (DstOffset = EDT-4). The daylight saving time for the year in this example begins at 02:00, on a Sunday, in the first week of April (M4.1.0/2). The daylight saving time ends at 02:00, on a Sunday in the fifth week in October (M10.5.0/2).
<String = EST-5EDT-4,M4.1.0/2,M10.5.0/2)>
Note that the week always begins with a Sunday, and the number for Sunday is "0".
Last modified date: 08/01/2019