Configuration of the INI file
Open the necessary INI file for your application case. Swyx recommends a text editor, which supports automatic syntax highlighting, e.g. Notepad++;
How to configure the gateway: 
1 Under „[SYSTEM Params]“ enter your NTP server and adjust the parameters for the automatic time change, if applicable.
As a rule, further settings are not necessary.
2 In the „[InterfaceTable]“ table configure the SwyxConnect IP address as well as the subnet mask, gateway- and DNS server addresses.
3 In the "[ProxyIp]” section, configure the IP address of your IpPbxServer.
If you use a standby system, activate "ProxyIp 1" and configure the IP address of your standby system. For Standby activate the "ProxyRedundancyMode" and "EnableProxyKeepAlive” options in the following section, too.
The following paragraphs describe the physical connection of SwyxConnect.
4 Activate the options appropriate for your usage.
If you configure an external line under "[TrunkGroup]", replace "NUMBER" with your subscriber number, e.g. 4777, for +49 231 4777 000 999.
If you operate a device on a port, replace "NUMBER" with the extension of the relevant subscriber, e.g.100, for +49 231 4777 100.
Under "[TrunkGroupSettings]", activate the lines according to the ports to be used.
5 Under "[Account]", specify the login data of your SIP gateway trunks and devices according to your SwyxWare configuration.
6 Under "[PSTN Params]", configure the protocol properties of the connections to be used.
7 With DIGITMAPPING numbers are configured which need special handling when dialing with Overlap Dialing, such as emergency numbers, exchange number or extensions of devices connected directly to SwyxConnect.
8 The section "[PstnPrefix]" determines the routing of SwyxConnect. If you operate SwyxConnect with external lines only, just put an asterisk for each port used and replace USERNAME corresponding to the account table above. If you also run devices, configure the extension to be routed on the corresponding trunk group.
The routing starts as soon as a corresponding number is found in the table. Since the asterisk acts like a wildcard, this applies to every dialed number. This line should therefore always have the highest index in this table.
If you want to use the SAS function with SwyxConnect, the routing should be configured in the corresponding section of the INI file.
9 If your ISDN connections support the "Clip No Screening” feature, activate the corresponding number of lines and configure USERNAME corresponding to the account table under „[SourceNumberMapIp2Tel]“.
For the SAS configuration, you then execute the following steps:
10 In the section "[ProxyIP]", enter the IP address of SwyxConnect.
11 Activate the configuration for „[ProxyIp]“, „[ProxySet]“ and „[IpGroup]“.
12 Under "[TrunkGroupSettings]" activate the parameters according to the ports configured under point 4.
13 Under "[Account]" activate the parameters according to the number of user accounts configured under point 5.
14 In the following sections numbers are configured. Replace the relevant wildcards here in order to adapt SwyxConnect to your environment.
15 The section "[PstnPrefix]" describes, as in point 7, the routing of SwyxConnect in gateway and SAS mode. Configure here the Routing Records for your external lines and connected devices, both for the local host IP address for SwyxConnect in SAS mode and for the operation of regular gateway.
16 Under "[SIP Params]", activate all parameters and configure the IP address of SwyxConnect once again.
17 The parameters described in the following sections must only be activated and generally need no further change. This is also valid for all parameters under „[SIP Params]“, except SASDEFAULTGATEWAYIP. Configure the IP address of the SwyxConnect here.
Last modified date: 08/01/2019