help SwyxConnect 5000/8000Overview › Manipulations
SwyxConnect 5000/8000 can be used to manipulate CallControl messages in two ways:
Firstly, rules based on call direction can be defined using the web configuration, for processing numbers. However, this only applies to simple number manipulation, e.g. removing the "0" for public line access from the destination number of IP-to-Tel calls, as here the public line access number should not be forwarded into the PSTN.
The second possibility, using INI files or a Telnet or SSH access, is more extensive and allows parts of the (SIP) CallControl messages to be changed, removed or added. For SwyxConnect, this means that SIP message manipulations can be separately defined for the gateway for incoming or outgoing SIP calls. The rules themselves are grouped in Manipulation Sets. These Manipulation Sets in turn can be assigned to incoming calls only, or outgoing only.
Due to its complexity, Swyx recommends not using this option.
However, it is still mentioned at this point, because the INI file templates with the basic configurations include such rules, and these are essential for successful operation of SwyxConnect on SwyxWare.
Last modified date: 08/01/2019