The Graphical Script Editor Blocks The General Structure of a Block Default Blocks and Optional Blocks
Default Blocks and Optional Blocks
There are two different types of blocks; the so-called “Default Blocks” and the “Optional Blocks”.
Default Blocks for Rules
The default blocks only occur once in every script. They are automatically produced at the beginning of script creation and appear directly at the beginning of the script creation in the grid of the script window. They can be moved and renamed, but not deleted. A rule has the following default blocks:
* Start
* Disconnected
* Rule executed
* Rule skipped
These blocks define the beginning and the end of a rule. The “Input” contact surface for the block “Start rule” remains unconnected. The blocks “Rule executed” and “Rule skipped” do not have an output, the rule ends here.
Default Blocks for Actions
The following default blocks are used when creating an action:
* Start
* Disconnected
* Rule executed
These blocks define the beginning and the end of an action. The “Input” contact surface for the block “Start rule” remains unconnected. The block "Rule executed” does not have an output, the action ends here.
Optional Blocks
The optional blocks can be selected from the toolbar and are used for creating the actual contents of a rule. All blocks can be combined freely, can occur any number of times, and can be deleted at any time.