The Graphical Script Editor How does the Graphical Script Editor work? Menus The Shortcut Menu of a Block
The Shortcut Menu of a Block
If you click with the right mouse button on a block, you will receive the shortcut menu of the block that is highlighted. In this menu you can
* edit the currently active block and
* change its properties.
This is how you open the shortcut menu of a block
1 Click with the right mouse button on the block.
The block will be activated and the shortcut menu appears.
Menu Command
Copies the highlighted blocks to the Clipboard while deleting them from the script window.
Copies the highlighted block to the Clipboard.
Renames the highlighted block.
Deletes the highlighted block.
Displays the “General” tab in the “Properties” window of the highlighted block.
Displays the “Parameters” tab in the “Properties” window of the highlighted block.
Displays the “Links” tab in the “Properties” window of the highlighted block.