Sending Serial Letters via Fax
Sending Serial Letters via Fax
You can print serial letters from a Microsoft Office application (e.g. Word). To do this, create the letter as a Word document and enter defined serial print fields instead of an address. For more information on this, please refer to the documentation for the Microsoft application.
You can also use these serial print fields to create and send serial faxes.
Begin the serial fax with the command
in a separate line, to indicate the beginning of a serial fax document to the SwyxFax Server. The line in which this command is specified will be removed during printing.
Enter another command for the transmission of the fax number. This "magic string" must be entered on a separate line and contains the fax number or the serial print field in which the fax number will be added during printing:
@@NUMBER<<serial print field fax number>>@@
@@NUMBER is used to signal to the SwyxFax Server that a fax number will follow. @@ is used to conclude the fax number. The SwyxFax Server takes this fax number from the document and sends the document to the specified fax number. The line in which this command is specified will be removed during printing.
Then print the serial letter on the printer.