Sending a Fax Sending a Fax from Multiple Applications
Sending a Fax from Multiple Applications
You can send several documents from different Windows applications as one fax.
How to send a fax from multiple Windows applications
1 Create a document in a Windows application such as Word.
2 Then, with the document open, select the function "Print".
The “Print" window will appear.
3 Among the available printers selsect “SwyxFax“.
The following window opens: "Send Fax".
4 Leave the "Send Fax" window open, with no changes made to it for the time being.
5 Open another Windows application, such as Excel.
6 Then, with the document open, select the function "Print".
The “Print" window will appear.
7 Among the available printers selsect “SwyxFax“.
The additional document is appended to the fax that was previously printed (from the Word application), without a new cover page.
When you have printed all the documents you want, enter the send parameters in the "Send Fax" window. See also The "Send Fax" Dialog.
8 Click on “Send”. The selected documents will be sent as one fax.
If you print using the SwyxFax Client printer driver, it may take a few seconds until the "Send Fax" window appears. This depends on the size of the document. Transmission via the printer driver connection is the default fax transmission method. This offers maximum integration into every PC application that Windows supports, and is not dependent on the respective format of the internal document. The printer connection is established by generating a print file in DCX format. In the send job that follows, this file is transferred to SwyxFax Client. The printer driver connection therefore supports all the performance features which are also offered by a normal printer.