Interface and Menus Menus Toolbar
You can call up various SwyxFax Client functions by clicking on the corresponding icon on the toolbar. If you hover the mouse briefly over an icon, QuickInfo (mouse-over menu) will be displayed. This QuickInfo briefly explains the function of the corresponding icon. The information below describes the icons that are available:
Exports the selected fax document.
Prints the highlighted fax document(s).
Printing a document list
Prints the selected fax folder.
Zooming In
(applies to Preview window)
Enlarges the selected fax document within the Preview window.
Zooming Out
(applies to Preview window)
Reduces the selected fax document within the Preview window.
Adjust to page height
(applies to Preview window)
Optimizes the view of the fax document within the Preview window in relation to the page height.
Adjust to page width
(applies to Preview window)
Optimizes the view of the fax document within the Preview window in relation to the page width.
Rotate Right (90°)
(applies to Preview window)
Rotates the fax document 90° to the right within the Preview window.
Rotate Left (-90°)
(applies to Preview window)
Rotates the fax document 90° to the left within the Preview window.
Turn (180°)
(applies to Preview window)
Turns the fax document 180° within the Preview window.
Previous Page
(applies to Preview window)
Pages one page back within a multiple-page fax document.
Next Page
(applies to Preview window)
Pages one page forward within a multiple-page fax document.
Calls up the "Send Fax" window for the purpose of sending a Quickfax.
Address Book
Calls up the Address Book.
Refreshes the fax folder. As an alternative, the function key F5 can be used.
View of the highlighted fax document(s) in the fax viewer.
Marking as Read
Marks one or more fax document(s) as read.
Fax information
Calls up the details for the selected fax document.
Reactivates a fax; i.e., a fax which could not be sent is resent.
Pauses the send process for a fax document on the fax server.
Resumes the send process on the fax server.
Deletes the highlighted fax document(s).
Forwards a highlighted fax document.
Calls up the SwyxFax Client options.
Preview Window
Switches the Preview window on or off.
This calls the Swyx homepage.
Shows SwyxFax Client version and copyright information.
Calls up the Online Help.