Microsoft Outlook – Telephoning with SwyxIt! Selecting a number from Outlook Contacts
Selecting a number from Outlook Contacts
If the number of a caller is known (e.g. in Outlook Contacts or in the Phonebook), SwyxIt! will immediately show the name of the caller instead of the number. You can indicate which Contact folder should be searched in the case of an incoming call in order to resolve the number. You have the choice of all those Contacts folders that you already see listed in your Outlook.
This is how you select the Outlook Contacts for name resolution
1 Under “File | Options | Add-Ins” in your Outlook, click on the “Add-In Options...” button. (In Outlook 2007, the settings can be changed under “Extras | Options...”).
Select the "SwyxIt! Name Resolution" tab. You will see all Contacts folders which you can select in your Outlook.
2 Select the folder to be searched for contacts when calls are received. In the default setting, all available folders are selected.