This chapter describes the functions of the lines.
Lines are represented by Line buttons on the skin. These offer a variety of functions and serve as information display as well.
With just a click of the mouse, you can easily
* select the line you want to speak on, or
* switch between lines, or
* “join” lines in order to connect two subscribers, for example.
In this chapter you will find a detailed description
1. of basic telephony functions:
* Calling ( Calling)
* Transfer a call ( Accepting or rejecting a call)
* Hold a call ( Hold)
* switch between two lines ( Switch between Lines)
* Transferring calls ( Call Transfer)
* Transferring calls without inquiry ( Connect without Inquiry (Blind Call Transfer))
* Disable lines ( Disabling Lines (Wrap-up Time))
* Use of a specific line for outgoing calls ( Use of a specific line (Signaling of the respective number))
2. of special line functions:
* Lines and line buttons ( Line State)
* configuration options for line buttons (associated numbers, number and name of the lines) ( Configuring a Line Button)