Installing and Uninstalling SwyxIt! SwyxIt!-Installation of the Software Updating
If you are using SwyxIt! in an older version, or want to modify the scope of the installation, you can update your version. Your personal settings will remain unchanged. New features can be added by using the "Modify" option, as they are not automatically selected during an update.
Verify, which version of SwyxServer is installed in your company. The server components should be updated before you update your SwyxIt! to a new version.
If you perform an update using a standard Skin, your customized Skin may be replaced by a system-wide Skin defined by your administrator.
This is how you update your SwyxIt! version
1 If SwyxIt! is currently active, quit SwyxIt!.
2 Close Microsoft Outlook and/or IBM Notes if necessary.
3 Insert the SwyxWare DVD into your drive.
The installation program on the DVD starts automatically.
4 If the setup does not start, double-click on the file "autorun.exe", which is located on the SwyxWareDVD.
The SwyxWare start page will appear.
5 Select the option “Install / Update SwyxIt!”.
The Setup will now update your SwyxIt!.
6 Follow the familiar instructions to execute the update.