SwyxIt! Handsets SwyxIt! Handset Functions in Detail Headset button (only SwyxIt! Handset P280) Configuration of a headset, which is not connected via SwyxIt! Handset P280
Configuration of a headset, which is not connected via SwyxIt! Handset P280
By default, the SwyxIt! Handset P280 is configured for usage with a headset connected to it.
To use a headset, which is not connected to the SwyxIt! Handset P280 but directly via an USB port, the headset mode of P280 must be disabled manually. Press the headset button of the P280 for at least 5 seconds. When the button is released afterwards, the red LED of P280 must blink for 2 seconds. Now P280 is no longer available for the "Headset audio mode" in the audio mode configuration dialogue in SwyxIt!. Additionally the headset button of P280 is inoperable.
By pressing the headset button of SwyxIt! Handset P280 for at least 5 seconds again, this setting is deactivated. For confirmation purposes, the red LED lights up continuously for 2 seconds when the button is released afterwards.