Telephoning from Third Party Applications Installation of the TAPI 2.x
Installation of the TAPI 2.x
During the SwyxIt! installation, you must have selected user-defined installation and in doing so have installed the TAPI Service Provider component ( Custom Setup Installation). If this is not the case, you can also install the TAPI 2.x later.
This is how you install the TAPI 2.x at a later point
1 In “Start | Settings | Control Panel”, double-click on “Software”.
A list of the currently installed programs will appear.
2 Mark SwyxIt! and click on "Modify".
Windows Installer will now call the SwyxIt! Installation Wizard.
3 Mark “Modify” and click on "Next".
The following window appears: “Select the functions”
4 Select the type of installation from the function “TAPI Service Provider” from the dropdown list.
5 Click on “Next” and start the installation.
The TAPI 2.x will then be installed. You can see the "SwyxIt! TAPI Service Provider" entry in the Tab "Advanced" of the Menu: „Start | Settings | Control Panel | Phone and Modem options“.
Please make the appropriate settings in the third party application, which is to access the TAPI just installed. Select “Swyx Line” there as the TAPI connection.