Call Routing Example rules
Example rules
If the rule examples included in the standard delivery were installed while configuring your SwyxWare user account, you will find you already have a rule book with a number of individual rules. These can be defined for a variety of purposes, for example, rules
* for a telephone central office begin with “central”,
* for employees begin with “EM”, and
* rules, which are appropriate for a secretary’s office, begin with “Secretariate”.
You will find the sample rules and the corresponding announcements in the database within your user files. This allows you to modify the rules in any way or to delete them without affecting other users.
The sample rules contain examples for sequences of actions, whereby the names of the sequences of actions correspond to the names of the sample rules in which the respective sequence of actions is used. The following sample sequences of actions have been included:
* Employee vacation
* Employee absent
* Employee present
* Employee busy
* Secretariate, not business hours
* Operator desk busy, business hours
* Operator desk available, business hours
* Operator desk, business hours, internal calls
* Operator desk, weekend
* Operator desk, not business hours
These sequences of actions can be used to create your own sequences of actions. This is done by replacing the sample data and announcements with your own information and then customizing the individual actions, if necessary.