Call Routing System Rules Standard Voicemail
Standard Voicemail
In the system rules, you can use the “Standard Voicemail” tab to configure your standard Voicemail.
You can define the text for a welcome announcement. Every subscriber, who wants to leave a Voicemail for you, will first hear this announcement. You also determine whether callers are allowed to leave a message at all and where the Voicemail should be sent.
In addition, the Remote Inquiry options can be set here. Remote Inquiry can be used, for example to check your Voicemails from another line or to change your Unconditional Call Forwarding.
The recording will be terminated
* when the caller goes on hook
* after the maximum recording time has expired
* after a pause in conversation of five seconds
* after entry of ‘#’.
After recording the voice message, the caller can check the recording and, if necessary, re-record the message. The menu for this is played after the recording has been completed.
The parameters defined here go into effect if the call is forwarded to the Standard Voicemail.
The caller can cancel the announcement or the recording of a message at any time by entering a '0'. In this case, it will then be forwarded centrally.
This is how you configure your Standard Voicemail
1 Open the tab "Standard Voicemail".
2 Activate the checkmark "Welcome" to define the welcome message.
During the installation, the Recording Wizard already prompted you to record the announcement for Voicemail. You can change this announcement at any time in the menu "Settings|Recording Wizard".
3 Define the announcement to be played.
You have several options:
* From the dropdown list select a file.
* Browse your hard drive by clicking on .
Click on, to listen to the selected file. Click on to stop playing the file.
* To record a new announcement, click on : You will now be prompted to enter a file name. The “Start Recording” window will appear. Click on “Start” to begin recording the announcement. Stop recording by clicking on .
* To delete the selected file, click on .
The WAV files, which the administrator has made available to all users, have the extension “(Template)” in the file name. These templates cannot be deleted.
4 Turn "Record Voicemail"
* on in order to play an announcement for the callers and to record voice mails. Here you can also limit the length of the recording so that the files, in which the messages are stored, do not become too large.
* off, in order to play an announcement for the callers but not to record any Voice mails.
Please remember that it makes sense to limit the length of the message because, depending on the compression used, each recorded second of a Voicemail requires 2 to 16KB of memory space (therefore, an announcement which is 14 seconds long requires, e.g. 28 to 224 KB, and an announcement which is 1:21 minutes long requires up to 1.2 MB).
5 In the "Send Voicemail to E-mail address" field, you must indicate the e-mail address to which all voice mails are to be sent.
You will then find each recorded Voicemail in your e-mail client (e.g. Outlook) as an attachment to an e-mail. Double-click on the attachment in order to listen to this Voicemail.
6 Activate "Start Remote Inquiry using the *-key during Voicemail announcement" in order to listen to your voice mails or to remotely change your Call Forwarding Unconditional from another line.