Call Routing Parameters of the Actions Loop
With this action, an attempt will once again be made to connect a call to a certain destination number. The caller hears another announcement between the individual attempts. If the line is busy, the caller will hear a busy announcement defined by the system administrator.
The action is terminated
* after a successful forwarding (call is picked up),
* if the destination telephone number is busy,
* by interrupting the connection (e.g. the caller goes on hook)
* after the defined number of loops has been run through without success
* when the Timeout has expired if the call could not be connected.
This is how you define the parameters for Connect To Loop
1 Indicate where the call should be transferred. The options include a telephone number, a symbolic name (if this has been recorded in the Phonebook) or the ”original destination”. You can also select the telephone number from the Phonebook or from the drop-down list.
2 Enter the amount of time which should be spent on attempting to reach the target telephone number in the field “Connect call for… seconds” (Timeout). If you enter a “0” here, the call will not be returned to you, but rather the connection attempt will continue “forever”. (Most telephone companies terminate a connection, which has not been picked up, after a certain amount of time, for example, Deutsche Telekom terminates such calls after two minutes.)
3 Define the announcement.
You have several options:
* From the dropdown list select a file.
* Browse your hard drive by clicking on .
* Click on, to listen to the selected file. Click on to stop playing the file.
* To record a new announcement, click on : You will now be prompted to enter a file name. The “Start Recording” window will appear. Click on “Start” to begin recording the announcement. Stop recording by clicking on .
* To delete the selected file, click on .
The WAV files, which the administrator has made available to all users, have the extension “(Template)” in the file name. These templates cannot be deleted.
4 Indicate how often the loop should be run through in the field “Number of Loops”.
5 Click on “OK”.